Monday, July 28, 2008


Sunday morning I was in a lot of pain and did not make it to church. In fact, when my hubby got home I was still in bed, and did not get up for even two more hours after he was home from church. When I woke up and went to the living room, he had these sunflowers sitting on the coffee table for me.

How sweet is that? It was totally unexpected and it brightened my spirits. I love him so much. It was just what I needed.

Today as I was looking at them, and watching them being drawn towards the sun at the window, I started thinking about my walk with God. How does my life thrive? It thrives when I am drawn towards the SON. When I am seeking first God's kingdom and seeking God to direct my life, I thrive.

So next time you see a Sunflower...I encourage you to think about how being drawn towards the SON, will help you thrive in your life.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My First Sewing Project!

So here are pictures of my first sewing project. It's a burp cloth that I am giving to a girl on my property who just had a little baby boy yesterday. I've made two more to go with it now too. They are nowhere near perfect, but I am happy that I was able to at least create a descent looking first final project!

Stay tuned for more projects. Thank you Mommy Reg...One for letting me use your idea of a creation, and two....for helping me when I ran into probelms and was frustrated along the way!

Thank you Mom for my sewing machine and the fabric to make my first project. I am so happy to be learning how to sew and am having lots of fun! I love you.

Emotional Meltdown

Last Sunday at church, July 20, 2008, I was overwhelmed with emotions. It was a hard, but good, interesting morning. Over the weekend my pain had been pretty intense so I was growing weary as it was. So that morning at church I was super sensitive to the on-goings around me. My friend Brittney just had a baby a couple weeks ago, and she goes to my church as do her parents and siblings. All but one sibling that is, who lives across the country and just had a baby girl of her own. However, she was in town visiting this weekend, and the two sisters were meeting up at church and getting to meet their niece/nephew for the first time. I was there to watch the moment and it was amazing. Seeing two new moms, sisters, coming together with children for the first time was amazing. It could have been a MasterCard commercial: Airplane ticket across the country - $600, diapers, wipes and outfits for the trip - $200, sisters meeting their children for the first time – Priceless. Some things in life just can’t be bought. For everything else – there’s MasterCard.

As amazing and precious as the morning was it hit my emotions hard. Most of you know I cannot have children due to complications from endometriosis, so it is bitter sweet for me seeing close friends having babies. I thought I was doing fine that morning at church, but those close to me could tell I was not okay. Everyone from church was sitting in the foyer area, and our pastor had just begun to pray to open us up for the morning. I was sitting with my arms folded across my chest, and my dear friend Molly was sitting next to me. Soon I felt Molly’s arms around me and her soft voice whisper “it’s okay.” That’s all it took for the tears to begin to flow freely from my eyes. The touch from Molly felt like nothing less than the presence of an angel. It felt so warm and so safe, and I was finally able to release emotion like I have not ever done before.

I had a hysterectomy in May of 2006, making it a reality that I would never have children of my own. Since that time there have been many emotions for me to work through. Close friends have had children, co-workers have had children, and families where I live continue to grow. I thought I had been working through my emotions, and I thought I was doing better. But this Sunday morning at church, I found myself hurting, and found myself able to release emotions in a new and complete way. I cried so hard, and so much that morning, I didn’t even know there was that much pain inside of me. I could not stop crying. Molly sat with me in the foyer for awhile, and then she left me to be with my husband for a bit. Nate sat with me for awhile and then we made our way into the sanctuary and I tried to make it through service. However the tears still kept flowing and I had to excuse myself several times to get more tissue.

It was a hard morning, but also a very good morning for me. God has given me a precious gift in Molly. She is so in tune with the Holy Spirit and she allowed the Spirit to guide her to comfort me. I shared with Molly that it seriously felt like an angel when she put her arms around me, and she told me that it was totally the Holy Spirit who told her I was not doing okay. I know for sure that we were in the presence of God that morning. I have never felt so safe to release emotion than I did that morning. I don’t even feel like I was in control that morning. It was completely the Holy Spirit working to heal my heart. I made progress that morning. It was draining, but very much needed. I felt God in a new way. I felt his presence more than I have ever experienced him before.

Thank you Jesus for healing my heart. Thank you for the precious friend you’ve given me in Molly. Thank you for giving her a discerning spirit and a heart to minister to those around her. Thank you Jesus for a loving husband who is here to support me when I am hurting. And thank you Jesus for creating families just the way you want them to be created. I know you are writing our family story and I cannot wait to see your perfect plan.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How Time Changes My Thoughts

So tonight my mom bought me a sewing machine. My first sewing machine. I was SO excited. She bought me some fabric to practice with and some sewing necessaties. I was thanking her so much and then she said "I was just never sure my daughter was ever going to want to sew." And that reminded me of conversations we'd had some years ago and me telling my mom that I just didn't think sewing was going to have much of a place anymore. I just didn't see myself really at a place in life of sewing projects and clothes and things.

Then I grew up. And I met some friends who sewed. I became close with one friend in particular who has taught me so much and encouraged me in more aspects of life than I can even begin to thank her for. She's taught me to cook, bake, a little basics of sewing, and more. Her sewing projects encouraged me to want to learn. And I've been talking with my mom about it. My mom quietly listened and then this week informed me she was buying me a sewing machine. So I have my new machine and practiced making some stuff tonight. Well, I didn't really make anything, unless you consider a very thin ice pack cover a successful project. Actually, if I had made it out of thicker material I would have been pretty successful at it. Anyway, after that I just sewed some material together and practiced stitches and stuff. Also practiced making pockets on it too. So it was fun. My back was killing me from the way I sitting by the end of the night, but it was fun. I can't wait to do more.

Momma Reg...Mom got me a carrying case for my machine and it makes it very portable. So, I am coming over with my machine and we are having sewing nights. You've got to teach more more stuff! I am so excited.

Thank you mom for your precious gift. You know you are too good to me. I am so grateful for you in my life. I love you so much and could never ask for a better mother than you. I love you mom.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back from Vacation - A Late Update

Hi friends. Sorry I haven't written since I have been back. I honestly can't believe how fast time is going. There literally just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. Since I've been home my time has been so divided that I have not been able to spend time with the one's I love in equal amounts, and that is driving me crazy! With work and other commitments I just am struggling to get everything done. What does one do when she feels so overwhelmed?

For some reason this week I am having a very hard time mentally to keep it all together. I don't feel like working, I mean...really don't feel like working. I just had a vacation but yet I feel mentally overloaded. What am I supposed to do to get over that feeling? It hasn't happened to me in awhile, I am struggling to overcome it.

Anyway, so a little about my trip. My brother flew down to Disneyland and suprised my mom by showing up. We had kept it a secret that he was meeting us down there. Both of our flights were delayed so that we ended up hitting the runway at the same time. I literally saw my brother's plane taxiing to the gate as we were. So, baggage areas were at different areas for the different airlines. My brother hadn't checked any baggage, so he was able to just head over to ours (mom's and mine). Mom and I had just come out of the restroom and were walking back to the baggage area when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turned around and it was Danny. I told him to hush, and go tap mom on the shoulder. So he tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around, but did not see him. Then she turned back around the other way...and there he was. She said "What are you doing here?!" It was awesome and a much needed surprise for our mom.

Okay...that is the first part of my vacation and update blog. It's late and I need to head to bed. I will do my best to write more tomorrow, k?

Love to everyone!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This and That

Hey friends! So for my regular readers I wanted to post something so you new I didn't fall off the earth this week. It's just been very crazy!

Monday one of my tenants threatened to shoot a Sheraton employee, so I had to leave my home for two days and was not allowed to return to work until today. So it's made the week crazy, especially when I am leaving tomorrow for vacation and now lost two days of getting prepared!

Today my friend, Brittany Hibdon, had her baby boy. His name is Culton Huston Hibdon and he was born at 2:41am. I can't wait to meet him!

Last night while shopping at Winco (groceries) my husband recognized someone and couldn't place her. Then he said "isn't that your old co-worker"? I looked up and it was an old friend who I have been trying to find. She was my Assistant Camp Director for Girl Scouts when I was Camp Director. We had really hit it off, and then she moved and we lost contact. So, I am so excited to find her and I can't wait to spend some time together and catch up.

So, tomorrow my mom and I are leaving for Disneyland! Yep, that's right. I am SO excited. Of course, most of you know how crazy I am over Disneyland, so that should not come as much of a surprise!

Well, I'm tired and need sleep. Have a great week and I will post pics when I return!