Monday, July 28, 2008


Sunday morning I was in a lot of pain and did not make it to church. In fact, when my hubby got home I was still in bed, and did not get up for even two more hours after he was home from church. When I woke up and went to the living room, he had these sunflowers sitting on the coffee table for me.

How sweet is that? It was totally unexpected and it brightened my spirits. I love him so much. It was just what I needed.

Today as I was looking at them, and watching them being drawn towards the sun at the window, I started thinking about my walk with God. How does my life thrive? It thrives when I am drawn towards the SON. When I am seeking first God's kingdom and seeking God to direct my life, I thrive.

So next time you see a Sunflower...I encourage you to think about how being drawn towards the SON, will help you thrive in your life.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."


iNate said...

I am so good at picking flowers out. Right? :P I love you.

The Diane Story said...

Yes Honey. Thank you love!

Momma Bug said...

(on the flower picking out, that is) ;-)

Your blog has gotten a face-lift!
Beautiful flowers, and I love that baby blanket - honestly, that is th most useful and cuddly kind. I can't see what else you create:-)

Love ya!